Thursday, May 28, 2015

And Its Built...

The Final Product

I call it the final product, but its really just a FOSS project. I did get the boards some time ago, but the board i already had surficed for what I needed so i've been a little lazy when it comes to building one so i could put it up here.

There is more to come, but here are the pictures. The board looks very nice indeed (Osh Park). Note that these boards are 3.0 boards where the OshPark ones are now 3.1 and 3.2

The above gives us 2 serial ports, 22 digital pins, 8 analogue pins, 3.3v and 5v. I've got videos of how I solder the components but theres plenty of SMD soldering videos on youtube if you wish to try. I'm pretty average with a soldering iron, but with a little technique, the results are quite decent:

And just for history's sake, here's takiuino 2.0:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

In the beginning....

Where It Started...

Some time ago, I wanted to put together an arduino board with 2 pressure sensors (BMP180's) which have the same ID and cant share them, so one has to be done via I2C in software.

On top of this, I also needed to drive an OLED. Add a few LED's to drive and a MOSFET to switch on and off and lastly communicate with a device via bluetooth (over serial) you just dont have enough things on a 328 (arduino nano/micro/mini) or 32u4 (spark fun) to be able to drive all that (RAM, not flash). But the 2560 is way too large.

On top of this I needed something small that would fit in a custom case, be around the size of the pro mini/pro micro/nano or smaller.

Of course, there are other options, such as Teensy, however, i didnt want to waste a teensy for this and was ultimately inspired to build my own board as theres nothing in the arduino range that fits the bill.

In truth, part of me built is simply because I could, and that while there are a few options out there that would have worked possibly, building my own board had its attractions.

Enter takiuino v1.0:

And thus begins the journey towards Takiuino.

Arduino Compatible source is available here

More to come....